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Introduction To Data Bindings In C++ Cross Platform Apps

What are LiveBindings? How can I create LiveBindings in C++ Builder FMX applications? How can I use LiveBindings in C++ Cross Platform Apps? What are the LiveBindings Visual Components? Is there a simple LiveBindigs example for C++ Builder FMX applications? Let’s answer these questions. What are C++ data bindings? C++ Builder comes with the LiveBindings feature which is a data-binding…
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C++Introduction to C++Language FeatureLearn C++

How To Make A New Windows FMX Component In C++

One of the most powerful features of the C++ Builder is its own components that can be used with or without a visual representation. Components make programming easy, you can do many operations easily without knowing low-level coding. Every component that you drag into your forms is an object of that component class. For example TEdit is a Class Type, a Component, and Edit1 is an Object from the…
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