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Learn Bits and How To Use std::bitset In C++

In computer hardware and software, bit is the smallest unit of data, and as programmers we use them in every single character of our code lines and more. A std::bitset is a modern feature to use set of bits in C++. C++ is great programming language to use every part of hardware of a device and you can use C++ program easily with a professional compiler and by using this kind of examples below.
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What You Need For Encoding Strings Using Bit Shifting

What is the fastest string coding and decoding method? What is the fastest method to secure the contents of your string? Can we use shifting to encode or decode a string? Can we use shifting on Strings or on Binary data? Do strings help me build C++ applications with the use of a C++ compiler? Let’s answer these questions. If you are working with Wide Strings, then you should read this…
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