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What Is Atomic (std::atomic) In Modern C++?

In modern C++, the concurrency support library is designed to solve problems in multi-thread operations. This library includes built-in support forthreads (std::thread), atomic operations (std::atomic), mutual exclusion (std::mutex), condition variables (std::condition_variable),and many other features of a modern C++ compiler. In this post, we explain what is std::atomic and how we…
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Learn How To Eliminate Unnecessary Copying In C++

In modern C++, rvalue references are a compound type like standard C++ references, which are referred to as lvalue references.New rvalue reference rules were set by the C++11 specifications. In many cases, data is copied that simply needs to be moved, that is, the original data holder need not retain the data. The rvalue reference can be used to distinguish cases that require copying versus…
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What Is A Deleted Function In Modern C++?

In programming, some of the most important parts are the functions that we create. They are like Lego parts that we can use in all places of the application. In modern C++ development, a function declaration is really important, and these functions gained some additional abilities after the C++11 standards. C++11 introduced two new features: defaulted and deleted functions. These are very…
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What is The Move Assignment Operator In Modern C++?

The Move Assignment Operator is one of the great features of Object-Oriented Programming in professional development. It complements features like the copy assignment operator, copy constructor, move constructor, and destructor. Since the C++11 standards, the move assignment operator is declared by using “operator=” and it allows you to move one object to another object. In this…
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