C++C++17Introduction to C++Learn C++

Learn To Use Time And Its Properties In Your C++ App

How can we use Time in our C++ App? How can we obtain local time or UTC time? How can we get each individual property of the clock (hours, mins, seconds)? When we write programs, it’s very common to come across two important parameters, which are Date and Time properties. The Date and Time property is obtained from a timer or time module which is a physical device on the hardware you are…
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C++ComponentsLanguage FeatureLearn C++

How To Make Images Have A Pixelate Effect In Your C+ App

What do we mean by a Pixelate effect in C++? Which C++ IDE supports easily creating Pixelate effects? How can I use a Pixelate effect for images in my C++ app? Is there an easy way to add Pixelate Effects to components? How can I add pixelate effect to alpha images on my applications? How can I use TPixelateEffect in C++ Builder? Are there any tips to add pixelate during the development of C++…
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C++ComponentsLanguage FeatureLearn C++

How To Add A Reflection Effect In A C++ App?

Is there an easy way to add reflection effect to components? Which C++ compiler framework supports to use Reflection Effect easily? How can I add reflection to alpha images on my applications? What is Reflection Effect in C++ IDE? How can I use TReflectionEffect in C++ Builder? What are the visual tips to add reflection effect in the development of C++ applications? Let’s answer these…
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C++Learn C++

This Is How to Use dynamic_cast in C++

What is casting in C++? What is a cast operator? What types of casting can be used in C++? What is dynamic_cast in C++? How can I use dynamic_cast in C++? C++ is a fast and powerful programming language and excels at all sorts of different operations, such as manipulating…
C++Language FeatureLearn C++

What Is The Best C++ IDE For Windows User Interface Design?

The C++ Programming language is one of the most broadly used software programming languages. It can be downloaded from a wide range of locations for almost every possible operating system. This means users can easily develop applications for all sorts of different platforms. It’s very hard to identify which C++ IDE is the best for you, as this is mostly about what you want to achieve with…
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