C++Learn C++Videos

Learn C++ With Breaking Dependencies: The SOLID Principle by Klaus Iglberger (CppCon 2020) Video

SOLID consists of the five most essential software design principles namely: (S)ingle Responsibility (O)pen-closed Principle (L)iskov Substitution Principle (I)nterface Segregation Principle (D)ependency Inversion Principle These five principles have been established to be an effective collection of guidelines for nearly two decades. It was initially implemented as object-oriented programming…
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C++C++11Learn C++Syntax

Learn About Using Right Angle Brackets In This C++11 Feature For Windows Development

In the Clang-enhanced C++ compilers, two consecutive right angle brackets no longer generate an error, and these constructions are treated according to the C++11 standard. C++03’s parser defines “>>” as the right shift operator or stream extraction operator in all cases. However, with nested template declarations, there is a tendency for the programmer to neglect to place a…
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