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What Are The New Rules For Auto Deduction In C++ 17?

The features of C++17 were a big step in the history of C++ and brought a lot of new features. In C++17, there are new auto rules for direct-list-initialization. This feature in C++, changes the rules for auto deduction from a braced-init-list. In this post, we explain what these new rules for auto deduction with examples are. What is auto keyword in C++? Theautokeyword arrives…
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C++C++14C++17Learn C++Syntax

What Is The Integer Sequence (std::integer_sequence) In C++ 14

In modern programming sometimes we want to use a sequence of integers that are created at compile-time. In C++14, the std::integer_sequence is a class template for the sequence of integers that is generated at compile-time. In this post, we explain what integer sequence (std::integer_sequence) is in modern programming. What is the integer sequence (std::integer_sequence) in C++ 14? In C++14…
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What Are Integral_constant And () Operator In C++?

Modern C++ has base class features that can be used with other modern features of C++. The std::integral_constant is the base class for the C++ type traits in C++11, and in C++14, std::integral_constant gained an operator () overload to return the constant value. In this post, we explain what integral_constant and () operator are in C++14. What is integral_constant in C++? The…
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C++C++14C++17C++20Learn C++Syntax

How To Use Tuple Addressing Via Type In C++14 And Beyond

The tuple ( std::tuple ) is a class template that stores the different types of elements, it also supports empty lists in modern C++. This template was introduced in C++11 and improved in C++14. In this post, we explain tuple addressing via type features that come with the C++14 standard. What is std::tuple in C++? The tuple ( std::tuple) is a class template a fixed-size collection of…
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