C++Learn C++Videos

Learn C++ With The Shapes of Multi-Dimensional Arrays by Vincent Reverdy (CPPCon 2020) Video

This video will be concentrating on one of the many issues involved: How to manage the shapes and dimensions of high-performance multidimensional arrays. In order to prevent metaprogramming wizards from having a full unusable response, we will add one requirement: it must be succinct, expressive, and humanly understandable. This video will also be discussing why bringing generic Non-Type Template…
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C++C++11C++14C++17Learn C++

Learn to Use Constant References in C++ Functions

When we call a function with parameters taken by value, it copies the values to be made. This is a relatively inexpensive operation for fundamental types such as int, float, etc. If the parameter is composed of a large compound type, this may result in a certain overhead. For example, let’s consider this following function to combine name, mid name, and surname. string fullname (string…
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C++Introduction to C++Learn C++

Learn About Parameters Passed by Reference in Functions

In the functions that we created in previous posts, their parameters have always been passedby value. This means that, when we call a function, what is passed to the function are the values of these parameters on that moment of the call. Variables are copied into the variables represented by the function parameters. Let’s remember an example, #include <iostream> int add (int…
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