C++Introduction to C++Learn C++

Discover Goto and Labels in C++

Thegotostatement is used to jump to alabelthat provides an unconditional jump from the goto to a labeled statement in the same function. We can also do the same loops as the same in for() while() loops by using goto statement. Instead of goto we mostly use for(), while(), do-while() statements or functions, classes, because they are faster and better than using goto. Rarely…
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C++Learn C++Videos

Learn C++ With Back to Basics: Design Pattern by Mike Shah (CPPCon 2020) Video

Design Patterns are interchangeable design elements that can help to make the program more manageable, scalable, and extensible. In this video, you will be learning the basics of the trends of artistic, structural and behavioral design. This talk is targeted at beginners who have some C++ experience working on a software project but are beginning to think about major software issues. At the end of…
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C++C++11C++14C++17Introduction to C++Learn C++

Learn to Use While and Do-While Loops in C++

While loops allow you to repeat a block of code as long as your specified condition is reached. Loops are used very offend in programming because they save time, reduce errors, and they make code more readable. 1. The While Loop In the mechanism of the while statement, the condition is evaluated and if it returns true then the code block inside the while loop will be executed, this will…
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