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Learn How To Use Alias Template In C++

C++ language is a very strong programming language from all aspects of professional and modern programming techniques. One of the great features of modern C++ is templates.With the increased use of parameterized types in C++, the need for parameterized alias template has been added since C++11. In this article, we will explainhow to use alias templateswith C++ examples that can…
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C++C++11C++14C++17Learn C++Templates

What Is A Function Template In C++?

One of the great features of modern C++ is templates. A template is a simple and a very powerful statement in C++ which defines the operations of a class or function and lets the user apply the same template on different types in those operations. In this post we will explain function templates in C++ which can be used by a professional C++ Compiler and IDE with C++ examples from this article.
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How To Use std::sort With A Lambda Expression In C++

In C++, the Standard Template Library or STL has many algorithms for operations like searching, counting, and manipulation of ranges and their elements. C++17 has a new feature that you can sort with std::sort parallel STL algorithm. Lambda Expressions are another great feature of C++ and they can be used to sort data by std::sort parallel STL algorithm. Make sure you’re using a modern C++…
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A Simple Example Program of Constructor In C++

Constructors are distinguished from all other member functions by having the same name as the class they belong to. When an object of that class is created or is being copied, the appropriate constructor is called implicitly. If you are developing a C++ app of course using Object Oriented methods, Classes and Objects – the two main features of OOP. In this post, we teach you how you can…
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