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How To Create A Simple Database C++ App

In this short video, Jim McKeeth will demonstrate how to create a simple database application using C++ Builder. Building a multi-device FireMonkey application with FireDAC and InterBase Creating a Database application in C++ Builder and connecting it to a…
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How To Get A File Extension From A Windows Path In A C++ App

How can I get file extension from a path string in a C++app on Windows PC? What is the GetExtension Method? What is the syntax of the GetExtension method? Is there an example of how to use the GetExtension Method? The C++ Builder IO libraries C++ Builder has a lot of specific methods in its SysUtils and IOUtils library that is included in vcl and fmx libraries. Some of these are grouped as…
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What Is The rfind() Search Method in Modern C++ Software?

How can I find a string in a string in the reverse direction – in other words, by starting to search at the end of the string and working backwards to the start of it? What kind of methods can I use in my C++ software to find a string in a std::string? How can I use rfind() method with strings? Modern C++ usesStrings, Wide Strings, andUnicode Stringsto support worldwide…
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C++ComponentsIntroduction to C++Learn C++

The Top 5 UI Design Alignment Tips For Your C++ App

What is align? I have a project; how can I design UI zones in my C++ app? How to design a C++ app compatible with multi-platform layouts? How can I design for landscape and portrait apps with one form design? Align is one of the great features of C++ Builder for application UI design. C++ Builder is very flexible and allows you to design and produce any kind of application. These tips below are…
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