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This Is How String Capacity And Lengths Work In A C++ App

How can I use the string capacity and length methods in a C++ app? What kind of methods I can use to get size of a std::string? How can I use the empty() method with strings? How to get length() of a std::string? How can I use size() property of a std::string? How can I use max_size() property of a std::string? How can I retrieve capacity of a string? How can I use reserve() method ? How to…
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How To Use fscanf In Your Own C++ Software

What is the fscanf function? How can I use fscanf in C++ software? Is there an example to the fscanf function in C++? What is the syntax of fscanf? Where can I find format specifiers for the fscanf function? Let’s answer these questions. A little history of the fscanf function fscanf function is an old C function (since C95) that reads data from files, scans, and formats input from a…
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