C++C++14C++17C++20Learn C++

What Is Auto Return Type Deduction In C++?

C++11 allowed lambda functions to deduce the return type based on the type of the expression given to the return statement. The C++14 standard provides return type deduction in all functions, templates, and lambdas. C++14 allows return type deduction for functions that are not of the form return expressions. In this post, we explain the auto keyword, what is an auto type deduction, and how we…
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Where To Find The C++ Standards In 2023?

C++ is a well-established programming language that is supported by a big community for many different computing hardware platforms. The language has a set of standards generally named after the approximate year the standard was adopted, such as C++98, C++11, C++14, C++17…
CC++C++11C++14C++17Introduction to C++Learn C++

Is C++ A Functional Programming Language?

C++ is highly evolved and mature programming language. The C++ language has a great set of choices of modern C++ IDE and compilers all of which come with a lot of tools, GUI components and libraries.  By using C++, you can create functional programs to solve complex engineering problems, you can simulate and analyze with 2D/3D graphics, create 3D environments, and add your custom 3D objects…
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C++Language Feature

40 Amazing Years Of Powerful C++ And C++20 Features By Bjarne Stroustrup (CppCon 2019)

This presentation by Bjarne Stroustrup who began developing C++ (initially called “Cwith Classes”) in 1979, is about to explain what’s great about C++, C++20, as a modern language. Bjarne explains how do classes, templates, and lambdas fit together? What have constructors and destructors to do with exceptions? What’s in the standard library? How can we start using…
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