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Learn How To Easily Record Sound In Powerful Modern C++ On Windows

Sounds are in wave format and in digital form sound has its volume change in timeline. In C++ Builder it is easy to use recording devices on Windows. To record a sound in Multi-Device applications we must use FMX.Media.hpp header.

1. Let’s create a new MultiDevice C++ Builder Project, save all project and unit files to a folder.

2. To define Audio Capture Device we need FMX.Media library. Go to Unit1.h header file add


and lets define Mic device


3. Let’s back to Unit1.cpp codes, now we can define our Mic device as below


4. Now we can define FileName directly


or you can obtain file name by using SaveDialog component as below;


5. Add a Button now we can start recording device by using StartCapture() as below;


6. Add another button to stop recording, and stop it as below;


7. That’s All. Now you can run your codes by pressing F9.

Let’s look at all codes. Unit.h header file should be like this (FMX.Media library is needed);


Unit.cpp file should be like this;

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