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Handle Based File Operations In C++ Builder

Handle based file read and write methods can be used in Modern C++, In C++ Builder. In Modern C++ we highly recommend you to use Modern File Operations to support your application on all platforms and for the some benefits of using these methods like supporting worldwide languages by using UnicdeStrings etc. If you dont need these, you can easily use old methods in C++ Builder with GUIs. You can browse a file by using OpenDialog() component and read lines of a file by using fgets() or fscanf() or we can get parameters by using sscanf() function.

If you are new to C++ Builder please check this Introduction To C++ Windows Development With C++Builder video to create a new and modern C++ Builder projects.


To write on a file we can can browse folder and a file name by using SaveDialog() component, we can use fputs() or fprintf() functions as below


Another old method to read files is using FileHandle and FileOpen() method. We can read lines by using ReadLn() method.


We can easily method to read files is using FileHandle and FileOpen() method. We can write lines by using WriteLn() method.


Please check this Introduction To C++ Windows Development With C++Builder video to create a new and modern C++ Builder projects. You will find new modern methods are much more easy and friendly.

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