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Learn How To Use Booleans In C++

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In programming, there are some of the parameters which have two values, as same as 0 and 1 bits in our computers. For these 1 and 0; Yes and No, On and Off, true and false, Enabled or Disabled, etc.. variables there are Boolean operands. We use Booleans, these kinds of switches to check most of the parameters, components, variables in classes, etc. bool data type is used C++ for these variables and it can take the values 1 (true) or 0 (false

Here is an example to use Booleans;


Boolean expressions are used in comparison and it is a C++ expression that returns a boolean value 1 (true) or 0 (false). We can check a boolean variable if it is true or false like this,


We can use comparison operators with if clauses, such as the equal to (==) operator to find out if an expression (or a variable) is true, also that means they are equal.


Here a==b term is a Boolean and return true or false, if clause checks if it is true or false and if it is true that means it is equal to. Same here, we can use greater than or lower than as below,


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