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Quick Look At Basic Color Components On Windows In C++ Builder (QuickLook Part 6)

This article is about Color Components which is used to select or display Colors. If you are new to ARGB color please refer to this article about Colors in Modern C++ ColorButton (TColorButton)It is a standard button that displays a color. It can be used to pop up color picker window then backs with selected color. May be to show foreground background colors, etc. It can be used with…
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C++C++11C++14C++17ComponentsLanguage FeatureLearn C++

Quickly Learn About Basic Windows C++ Components (QuickLook Part 4)

TrackBar Trackbar is a slider on the form that allows users to get numeric values by dragging the track. A track bar can set integer values on a continuous range. It is useful for adjusting properties like color, volume and brightness. The user moves the slide indicator by dragging it to a particular location or clicking within the bar. We can set its Oriantaion to Horizantal or Vertial. We…
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C++C++11C++14C++17ComponentsIntroduction to C++Learn C++

Learn Basic Components in C++ Builder (QuickLook Part 1)

In this article we will add some quick methods to show how to use basic components in C++ Builder. Most of component properties and methods are same in VCL and FMX projects. If you are a beginner we highly recommend you to watch this Introduction To C++ Windows Development With C++Builder video to understand C++ Builder / RAD Studio IDE interface and some basic mechanisms. This video will help…
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